Run towards your true self: Embracing authenticity while chasing your goals

Category: mindful living

Is Genetic Testing The Future Of Athletic Performance?

While at the Chicago Marathon Expo, I stopped at the booth Orig3n and learned about their cell repository and DNA testing services offered. They have 3 product lines: Lifecapsule, Lifeprofile, and Lifesystems. The service that I was really interested in was the Fitcode, which is under the Lifeprofile product line. It is a personalized genetic analysis of your potential and pre-disposition of Endurance, Muscle Strength, Metabolism, and Exercise Recovery.  The theory […]

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Just Because You Can’t See The Path You’re On, Doesn’t Mean You’re On The Wrong One

  I think back to when I started running and would have never have guessed where I would be with it now. The thought of running a marathon used to scare me to death.  If someone would have sat me down in 1998 and given me the training for the next 15 years, I would have thrown it back. Yet, to date, I have ran 5 marathons and countless 1/2 marathons, 10Ks, and 5Ks. Sometimes, its […]

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Running: A Moving Meditation

When you hear “meditate”, what do you think of? Monks sitting around in a room chanting “OM”? Yogis sitting twisted up like pretzels? Several months ago I went to a group meditation at a local center. I assumed someone would be leading a guided meditation. Boy, was I wrong. I sat down and the meditation leader said, “Alright 40 minute meditation starts now” and rang a bell. We sat in complete silence […]

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Learning to listen to your body

I was so very excited this fall as I had 3 marathons slated and would be qualified to get into the “Marathon Maniacs” club. I knew it would be tough to stay focused, but I had the determination. Going into Chicago Marathon on October 11, I actually felt more fresh than the Air Force Marathon, just 3 weeks earlier. However, recovering from that race and the stress of the new puppy […]

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