Run towards your true self: Embracing authenticity while chasing your goals

Tag: inspiration

25 Must Read Quotes on Mindfulness

“The real meditation is how you live your life.” John Kabat-Zinn, B. 1944 American Professor and Founder of Mindful Based Stressed Reduction ” In meditation it is possible to dive deeper into the mind to a place where there is no disturbance and there is absolute solitude. It is at this point of profound stillness that the sound of the mind can be heard.” A.E. I Falconar, B. 1926, Indian-born […]

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Who are you inspiring?

­ Often, while I am out on a long training run, I reflect on things for which I am grateful. I always seem to think of how I started endurance running. I feel such gratitude it is overwhelming. I thought I would share my story and hope you share yours, as well! It was 2000, I just finished up my freshman year of college and was in a pretty crappy state […]

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Top 5 Tips To Get Back Your Running Motivation

It’s the beginning of March, which means Spring is just around the corner. The days are getting longer and warmer weather is soon on it’s way. It also means that many well intended New Years Resolutions have either tumbled long ago or may have whispers left only soon to be forgotten by the months end. Motivation can be a real struggle when it comes to running. It doesn’t matter who you […]

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