Run towards your true self: Embracing authenticity while chasing your goals

5 Must Read Tips to Get Through Marathon Training Burn Out

Chicago Marathon is next up in my series of 3 marathons this fall. I am super excited, but having a hard time keeping up with running in between Air Force and Chicago.

I must admit I am feeling a bit burnt out. I’ve decided to listen to my body and rest when I feel I need to. I know in the next 1 1/2 weeks, I’m not going to gain fitness. It will actually be beneficial to my body to rest up for the marathon. I’ve been playing tennis and doing yoga to keep active.

It’s  normal to feel burn out in marathon or half marathon training.

It can especially happens during the peak mileage week and the taper. During the peak mileage week or taper, sometimes, your body wants to check out. I have decided to pass along the bag of tricks that I use when I feel myself getting burned out. I hope they help you dig deep during your training and find that extra boost you need!

5 Tips to get through marathon training burn out:

  1. Watch some inspirational running movies or movies on hope & perseverance.
  2. Get a new running item- shirt, shorts, skirt, a pair of socks. Go easy on this one, it could get expensive!
  3. Make a new play list. Sometimes having some new music to look forward to on your run will give you something to look forward to.
  4. Find a new running route or trail. Not only will you be mixing things up, you will also be building new pathways in your brain. This is called neuroplasticity. It is when our brain forms new connections as a result of changing up our typical routine.
  5. Find a running buddy or buddies. Meeting up with running friends will make you accountable for your training run. A bonus is some friendly conversation when you want to get out of your own head. Often, miles will fly by when you are running with a friend.

How about you? What do you do to get through training burn out?

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