Run towards your true self: Embracing authenticity while chasing your goals

Tag: mindfulness

Abiding in silence: my silent retreat experience

I just returned from a 2 1/2 day silent retreat hosted by Yoga on High at the Jesuit Spiritual Center in Milford, OH. It was such a rejuvenating experience. It was my first silent retreat, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew I would be doing yoga and meditation, which I was excited about.  As an INFJ personality, I really crave alone time, which once I thought about […]

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7 Must Do Self-Care Practices

Self-Care wasn’t always top of my list. It took time. It used to be, “self care” was exercising and checking a box. It had nothing to do with self-care and everything to do about “losing weight” and my “self image”. I would often stress about fitting in my “self care” activity of exercising, which seems ironic. The very “self care” activity that was suppose to promote relaxation and destress me, […]

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2017 Nuun Ambassador!

I am beyond thrilled to announce that I was selected as a nuun ambassador for 2017! I have been using their products since I started my marathon running in 2009 and I am proud to represent them. However, I noticed an interesting thought pattern happen when I received the selection email. It’s interesting how sometimes when I am chosen for something or attain a goal, I notice self-limiting beliefs run through my […]

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Want an simple, affordable stand up desk? Here’s 2 ways how under $20!

Did you know that the Americans spend an average of 13 hours per day sitting? That doesn’t include the time slept, which would than equal an average of 21 hours /day on average Americans spend leading a sedentary lifestyle. If that doesn’t shock you, here’s some more. The average American male, weighs 195.5 according to the CDC. If he sits the average 8 hours per day, he burns 1906 calories. Using this online calorie tool, I […]

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25 Must Read Quotes on Mindfulness

“The real meditation is how you live your life.” John Kabat-Zinn, B. 1944 American Professor and Founder of Mindful Based Stressed Reduction ” In meditation it is possible to dive deeper into the mind to a place where there is no disturbance and there is absolute solitude. It is at this point of profound stillness that the sound of the mind can be heard.” A.E. I Falconar, B. 1926, Indian-born […]

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What is Reiki?

What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Rei = Spiritual Wisdom and Ki = Life Energy. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or […]

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Learning to listen to your body

I was so very excited this fall as I had 3 marathons slated and would be qualified to get into the “Marathon Maniacs” club. I knew it would be tough to stay focused, but I had the determination. Going into Chicago Marathon on October 11, I actually felt more fresh than the Air Force Marathon, just 3 weeks earlier. However, recovering from that race and the stress of the new puppy […]

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