Run towards your true self: Embracing authenticity while chasing your goals

Tag: meditation

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga? The word “Yoga” comes from the sanskirt word, “yuj”, which means to blend or bind. Thus why, Yoga is the art of blending movement with the breath and mind through various yoga postures (called asanas), breathing techniques (called pranayama), and meditation (dhyaan). Who is Yoga good for? Yoga is good for ANYONE. That’s right, anyone. You don’t have to be able to twist yourself into a ball […]

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Abiding in silence: my silent retreat experience

I just returned from a 2 1/2 day silent retreat hosted by Yoga on High at the Jesuit Spiritual Center in Milford, OH. It was such a rejuvenating experience. It was my first silent retreat, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew I would be doing yoga and meditation, which I was excited about.  As an INFJ personality, I really crave alone time, which once I thought about […]

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25 Must Read Quotes on Mindfulness

“The real meditation is how you live your life.” John Kabat-Zinn, B. 1944 American Professor and Founder of Mindful Based Stressed Reduction ” In meditation it is possible to dive deeper into the mind to a place where there is no disturbance and there is absolute solitude. It is at this point of profound stillness that the sound of the mind can be heard.” A.E. I Falconar, B. 1926, Indian-born […]

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Basic Use Tips & Guidelines of Essential Oils

When I first started out using Young Living essential oils 3 years ago, I was a little clueless as to how to use them. I was using them here and there, but didn’t really know the basic guidelines of dos and don’t. Young Living Essential Oils are potent and should be treated as such. Thus, why it is important to know how to store them and basic uses even when you just begin […]

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Running: A Moving Meditation

When you hear “meditate”, what do you think of? Monks sitting around in a room chanting “OM”? Yogis sitting twisted up like pretzels? Several months ago I went to a group meditation at a local center. I assumed someone would be leading a guided meditation. Boy, was I wrong. I sat down and the meditation leader said, “Alright 40 minute meditation starts now” and rang a bell. We sat in complete silence […]

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