Run towards your true self: Embracing authenticity while chasing your goals

Basic Use Tips & Guidelines of Essential Oils

When I first started out using Young Living essential oils 3 years ago, I was a little clueless as to how to use them. I was using them here and there, but didn’t really know the basic guidelines of dos and don’t. Young Living Essential Oils are potent and should be treated as such. Thus, why it is important to know how to store them and basic uses even when you just begin […]

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New Year, New Look!

You may have noticed my blog has taken on a new look AND a slightly new direction. I kept having a nagging feeling that the content and focus of my writing wasn’t what I REALLY wanted to put out. It didn’t feel, well, how would I call it….authentic. I felt like I was only giving a slice of myself, my love for running and yoga, but not sharing a REALLY […]

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Relaxing into Your Emotions

The other day, my son and I ventured on the scrambler at Kings Island. It was his first time and I could tell he was a bit apprehensive. He’s not much of a coaster rider. As soon as the ride started, I could see the tension build in his body. He was gripping the bar with all his might and really “fighting” the feeling from the coaster. When I noticed […]

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Who are you inspiring?

­ Often, while I am out on a long training run, I reflect on things for which I am grateful. I always seem to think of how I started endurance running. I feel such gratitude it is overwhelming. I thought I would share my story and hope you share yours, as well! It was 2000, I just finished up my freshman year of college and was in a pretty crappy state […]

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5 Tips To Get You Back on Track to a Healthy Lifestyle

We’ve all been there. A pound here, a pound there and pretty soon you’re up 20 lbs. + and feeling awful. With more and more Americans leading busy on-the-go lifestyles and working desk jobs, it seems to be a common challenge. Rushing kids from here to there or working long hours, fast food and take are are easy, but not always healthy. As of 2011-2012 more than two-thirds of adults were overweight or […]

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Top 5 Tips To Get Back Your Running Motivation

It’s the beginning of March, which means Spring is just around the corner. The days are getting longer and warmer weather is soon on it’s way. It also means that many well intended New Years Resolutions have either tumbled long ago or may have whispers left only soon to be forgotten by the months end. Motivation can be a real struggle when it comes to running. It doesn’t matter who you […]

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Words And Thoughts Have Energy

Energy is all around us. Atoms, which are the smallest unit of matter, are energy and the building blocks of the chair you sit on, the computer your looking at, and the air you breath. Did you, however, that both words and thoughts have energy as well? These words and thoughts can have an impact on both our emotional and physical well-being. We’ve all had thoughts like “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not pretty enough”, […]

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There’s a Difference Between Giving Up and Letting Go

I was raised in a family that believed you should never quit anything. The no pain no gain mentality. Unfortunately (and fortunately) this carried with me into adulthood. If I start a project, training plan, relationship, or am employed at a job that isn’t working…I just stick it out, trudge through the muckiest of muck, and don’t quit. I would reach toward goals that maybe didn’t feel right and all […]

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